Consume Pje web service


Viewed 3,469 times


I need to consume the progress of a process using the web service provided by Pje. I am following the guidelines described in:

According to the tutorial, the WSDL has the following format:

• Web Service: http://ENDEREÇO DA APLICAÇÃO DO PJe/intercomunicacao?wsdl
• Consultas complementares: http://ENDEREÇO DA APLICAÇÃO DO PJe/ConsultaPJe?wsdl

However, I could not find the address of the TRT4 application (not even on

I already have access to Pje so that I only need the correct WSDL so I can test the request with the SOAP UI tool.

Basically the question is: which TRT4 WSDL (or better yet, any TRT). Alternatively, there is some REST API available for this purpose?

Note: many applications do this kind of service and create a web Crawler that solves CAPTCHA is not an option.

Note 2: There are multiple sources to get data from courts, this link shows several alternatives:

  • What is this application about Pje? It is a framework of web services? TRT4 would need to register to be available in the list of web services, you’re sure he’s registered?

  • Yes, all Trts use the application (example: In addition, several applications consume this TRT4 API such as Astrea and Digesto. This link are listed Wsdls of several courts, but no Labour. Thanks for the help!

  • Trts use a CNJ Pje Fork. I believe the Web Services feature is not available.

  • See if that, or that help you.

  • See this integration booklet provided by CNJ: CIWS. On page 7 you have the following link: URL

1 answer


Hello, Rafael, The PJE was developed by the CNJ and every instance of the PJE that is maintained by the courts, whether state or federal, follow the determinations of the CNJ. That being said, each court is responsible for maintaining the PJE of its responsibility and for releasing access to the WEBSERVICE that you wish to access, I suggest that you contact the desired court and formally request access to the testing environment to make the connection and start the integration tests with MNI. The address to meet the MNI:

You can use a program such as SOAP UI to create SOAP envelopes and make the connection. But before anything, even for testing, you need to have the Court’s permission to consume the services that are described in the WSDL. Generally PJE instances WSDL end with {URL}/intercom? wsdl

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