I built a restserver using the Slim Framework (PHP), connecting in a Mysql BD. Is on a dedicated server and moderate performance, IE the response is very fast.
But I made a test app on IOS where I consult this api and mount a table view with the result. No wifi goes fast, but in "3g" it takes 15 to 30 seconds to charge!
I’m using Restkit with Afnetworking. The api link is: http://api.guia-se.com.br/rafael/ (Can access p/ see result/ speed) It is normal to take all this time to mount Uitableview on a small json of these?
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I used to test other applications and they work normally. Of course, the network is slow (Brazil) but this specific application has this problem. In a group I was told that one possibility is that I’m updating Tableview outside the main thread. Since I’m a beginner, I didn’t understand it very well. You think that could be it?
– pessini
It’s very likely that yes, to make sure, puts a breakpoint where your table view is updated. If the stack is not in the main thread, you can place the call that makes your table update into a block that changes it to the main thread, I will update my reply with an example.
– Jan Cássio