Error The multi-part Identifier "..." could not be bound


Viewed 14,523 times


I am trying to make the following select and it returns me the error The multi-part Identifier "..." could not be bound in Importacontratoaux.Contratoid

select AreaReclamacao.Descricao from AreaReclamacao 
inner join Contrato on Contrato.Id = ImportaContratosAux.ContratoId
inner join ImportaContratosAux on ImportaContratosAux.EmpresaId = AreaReclamacao.EmpresaId 
where Contrato.Id = '4100001124'

1 answer


The error is because you are trying to access a field not yet mapped in join

In his first join you try to access ImportaContratosAux.ContratoId that is only being carried in the second join to query should be:

from AreaReclamacao 
    inner join ImportaContratosAux  on ImportaContratosAux.EmpresaId    = AreaReclamacao.EmpresaId 
    inner join Contrato             on Contrato.Id                      = ImportaContratosAux.ContratoId
where Contrato.Id = '4100001124'

See that first is loaded the ImportaContratosAux and then carry out the join with Contrato

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