I need to create an application that will receive video streaming from multiple cameras in real time, as in a security panel where you can monitor what happens through the cameras (as in a surveillance system). For this I intend to use C#, I’ve done something similar but in another language and used Ffmpeg.
In terms of performance, is this feature ideal? Is it compatible with C#? Are there any projects that use and work well? If not, what do you recommend I use? If C# is not a good option, what language do you recommend?
Edit 1: The priority of the project is performance.
Edit 2: Later on, features such as pausing, returning and continuing the video inside the software will be added. Also monitoring of images, such as: issuing a visual and audible alert when there is movement in any camera. These are just some of the features to help you understand better application and your need to have a good performance.
Do you only want to display content from multiple sources on multiple players or receive and redistribute it to other clients? I’ve worked a lot with video solutions in C# and Ffmpeg, but I didn’t understand its application in this context.
– Leandro Angelo
@Leandroangelo I just need to show the video streaming from several sources in a panel. As if it were a grid, with nine players receiving the images.
– lys
So there is not much mystery no, it is up to you to define according to the environment and your comfort, the type of application will develop (Windowsforms, WPF, UWP or Webapp). Then, if any problem appears you come back here and we help solve this specific point
– Leandro Angelo
I don’t get it, what’s your specific question? you’re offering the reward for someone to build that solution for you?
– Leandro Angelo
Obviously, I don’t want you to build an app for me. I was looking for advice from more experienced people who could guide me in building it. If you can’t help, thank you anyway.
– lys