Fastreport going crazy with numeric string


Viewed 198 times


I really like Fastreport for the numerous layout options we can do on it, but I confess that sometimes it gets on my nerves and if I could trade.

I am inserting the following string into a Memo field:

    MemoExames.Lines.Add(Copy(<frxDBDatasetAPExames."codigo_tuss">+'00000000', 1,8)
      +' - '+Format('%-40s', [<frxDBDatasetAPExames."nome_tecnico">])
      +' '+DateToStr(<frxDBDatasetAPExames."data_ven">));

The result should be:

00000000 - EXAME CLÍNICO - ASO                      28/03/2012

But he insists on putting

EXAME CLÍNICO - ASO                      28/03/2012 - 00000000

He’s understanding that zeroes have to go right... if I change 0 for X he format it correctly, but if it’s number he insists alone on putting on the right, I’ve tried everything, but the bastard doesn’t obey me

Someone’s been through it?

  • I can’t test here, but if you can suggest something, take a look at the properties of the memo.. has something like HideZeros.. also another property that suppresses repeated and other characters that may be generating the above situation.

  • @Andrey, it was the property Rtlreading, Raca, what time I lost in this stretch... your reply gave a clear.

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