SQL - Bring only 1 year records back


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I’m trying to realize a SELECT that brings me only customers who haven’t bought for 1 year without duplicating the customer.

Down with the code I’m trying to:

SELECT DISTINCT p.ID, p.Nome_Fantasia, v.Data from Venda v 
inner join Cliente cli on cli.ID_Pessoa = v.ID_Pessoa
inner join Pessoa p on p.ID = cli.ID_Pessoa
where Data < '2017-04-24 00:00:00.000'
order by p.ID 

But even using DISTINCT, it brings me Duplicate Customers.

  • You are grouping because one of the columns has different value. You should use Group by

  • If you only want customers, why are you using Data on select with distinct? Will bring all records of different dates, try to remove the date of the select

3 answers


As noted by the staff, if you include the date of sale on SELECT the customer will appear once for each sale he has had before the set deadline (1 year ago). In that case, it is necessary to remove the pure select date, but it makes sense to include a GROUP BY and a MAX on the date for it to return to you the date of the most recent sale made to this customer.

Taking advantage, I corrected a misconception in the consultation. You shouldn’t base your query on the sale if you want to consider customers who never bought (theoretically these guys also meet your restriction). In this case, the correct one would be to base the consultation on Cliente and use a OUTER JOIN to check sales.

To make the query dynamic, I used the function DATEADD to represent a year ago from the current date (365 past).

Your appointment would look like this:

SELECT DISTINCT p.ID, p.Nome_Fantasia, Max(v.Data) 
FROM Cliente cli 
    JOIN Pessoa p on p.ID = cli.ID_Pessoa
    LEFT JOIN Venda v on cli.ID_Pessoa = v.ID_Pessoa
WHERE v.Data  IS NULL OR v.Data < DATEADD(day, -365, GETDATE())
GROUP BY p.ID, p.Nome_Fantasia

How do we use one OUTER JOIN, provision should be made for the possibility that the clause WHERE

I hope it helps


If you only need the customer’s name, you may not return the other field. When you bring the data also in consultation, the same customer with different dates is returned.

SELECT DISTINCT p.ID, p.Nome_Fantasia
FROM Venda v 
INNER JOIN Cliente cli ON cli.ID_Pessoa = v.ID_Pessoa
INNER JOIN Pessoa p ON p.ID = cli.ID_Pessoa
WHERE Data < '2017-04-24 00:00:00.000'

If you need, for example, the date of the user’s last purchase, you can use it as follows:

SELECT DISTINCT p.ID, p.Nome_Fantasia, MAX(v.Data)
FROM Venda v 
INNER JOIN Cliente cli ON cli.ID_Pessoa = v.ID_Pessoa
INNER JOIN Pessoa p ON p.ID = cli.ID_Pessoa
WHERE Data < dateadd(year, -1, convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 120))
GROUP BY p.ID, p.Nome_Fantasia

Thus, it will bring the user data "inactive" at least one year with the date of the last purchase.

Detail: to ensure that your query will always bring "a year ago", I changed to the date use DATEADD.


But what’s wrong with bringing in duplicate customers? The same customer can’t buy more than once in a day, for example?

In any case, try using BETWEEN (more performative) and GROUP BY (to group by client ID)

SELECT DISTINCT p.ID, p.Nome_Fantasia, v.Data from Venda v 
inner join Cliente cli on cli.ID_Pessoa = v.ID_Pessoa
inner join Pessoa p on p.ID = cli.ID_Pessoa
WHERE (Data BETWEEN '2017-04-24 23:59:59' AND '2018-04-24 10:15:55')

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