How do I write the following SQL code in the Codeigniter Model?


Viewed 234 times


select count(situacao) as Qtde, sum(valorcausa) as Total_Valor_Causa 
from processo
where situacao = "Tramitando";

1 answer


There are several ways to do this, the one I recommend, for making the code more organized is this:

$this->db->select('count(situacao) as Qtde, sum(valorcausa) as Total_Valor_Causa');
$this->db->where('situacao', 'Tramitando');
$query = $this->db->get('processo');

Another way is to put the entire query inside the query(), thus:

$this->db->query('select count(situacao) as Qtde, sum(valorcausa) as Total_Valor_Causa 
from processo where situacao = "Tramitando"')->get();

I recommend the first one because you can add other filters in the query, such as:

$this->db->order_by('Total_Valor_Causa', 'DESC');

The above code will add an order by Total_Valor_Causa.

To return only one line, you can sort by id desc, and limit the query to 1 record, so the result will be the last record inserted;

$this->db->order_by('id', 'DESC');

More information

  • Thank you very much Dobrychtop, excellent reply.

  • Would you like to tell me how to display only the last row of a table, in a query written in the model class? thanks

  • @Ramiro, I added the answer a way to do this.

  • Thanks again @Dobrychtop, it worked, the problem is that I am not able to do what I need, which is to generate a report that involves two tables, (A and B), being: Table A composed by (codprocesso, nprocesso), and Table B inherits from A possessing the compos (codandamento, Descricao, fkcodprocesso). What I need to do in the Model class is to list all the processes, and the last progress of each 1 (one) of the existing processes. Would you have an idea how to do that? Thanks again!

  • I always try to make the sql pure first and then pass to CI, so the query: select nprocess, codandamento, dtandamento, Descricao from processo INNER JOIN andamento ON andamento.fkcodprocesso = processo.codprocess order by codandamento desc limit 1; I already passed to CI, this query, however it returns me only one record, which is the last of the table progress, being what I want to display, is the last record of each fkcodprocess (forein key) in the table progress. Got it?

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