Substituting values in a list


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I need to replace values in a list of agreements with some criteria.


  1. if the value is an integer and less than the reported value is replaced by -1
  2. if the value is a floating point number and greater than the reported number replace by 9999.0.


lista =[-9 ,20.5, 6 ,10.8, 10, 8.0, 45, -99.6, 12, -54.7]
valores = input('Digite um valor inteiro e um valor em ponto   flutuante:').split()
num1 = int((valores[0]))
num2 = float((valores[1]))
for i in range(len(lista)):
    if int(num1):
        if lista[i] < num1:
            lista[i]= -1
    if float(num2):
        if lista[i] > num2:
            lista[i] =9999.0


Correct exit would be:

-1 9999.0 -1 9999.0 10 8.0 45 -99.6 12 -54.7

The output of my code is:

-1, 9999.0, -1, 9999.0, 9999.0, -1, 9999.0, -1, 9999.0, -1

Friends I managed to solve as follows.


 lista =[-9 ,20.5, 6 ,10.8, 10, 8.0, 45, -99.6, 12, -54.7]
 valores = input('Digite um valor inteiro e um valor em ponto   flutuante:').split()
 num1 = int((valores[0]))
 num2 = float((valores[1]))
 for i in range(len(lista)):
    if type(lista[i]) is int and lista[i] < num1:
       lista[i] = -1
    elif type(lista[i]) is float and lista[i] > num2:
       lista[i] = 9999.0
  • No need to do ifs float and int, already are when you receive the input and cast for those guys. You are with 9999 in the code but in the explanation/results you say 999, must be a typo/mistake.

  • 1

    Miguel, already corrected the error is actually 9999.0.

  • 1

    I don’t see anything wrong, maybe you just want one elif(...) instead of the second if, so as not to enter the two ifs because in that case the second if will prevail even if the first one checks out

  • Hello Miguel, the code is not giving the correct exit, I tried with Elif but it did not work, but thanks for participating, I go to fight.

  • I thank you all .

  • @Bruno Just commenting, it is not recommended to use the type to check the type as it does not check inheritance. As in Python typing is dynamic, this is a detail that should always be taken into account. Use isinstance for such.

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1 answer


A little more streamlined than your solution

lista =[-9 ,20.5, 6 ,10.8, 10, 8.0, 45, -99.6, 12, -54.7]
valor_inteiro, valor_float = [float(x) for x in input('Digite um valor 
inteiro e um valor em ponto flutuante:').split()]

for i in range(len(lista)):
    if isinstance(lista[i], int) and lista[i] < valor_inteiro:
        lista[i] = -1
    if isinstance(lista[i], float) and lista[i] > valor_float:
        lista[i] = 9999.0

  • Thanks Anderson Carlos Woss, helped me a lot this teaching.

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