Doubt with Assembly - Change Address value


Viewed 51 times


I am beginner in Assembly and C, and I need to change the value of an . exe file address

004864D2   . C785 5CFCFFFF F8020000    MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-3A4],2F8

I tried it this way with the C

__declspec(naked) void HookPatch::ChangeCliver_02()
    static const INT32 szContinue = 0x0048652C;
        MOV DWORD PTR SS : [EBP - 0x03A4], 0x1DF2
        JMP szContinue

When I run the program with Ollydbg the quoted line is deleted.

  • 1

    Please edit the title of your question and post something that summarizes your problem. The idea of the title is precisely to inform on what is the issue before even accessing it and facilitate in the site searches. The current title fails in these aspects.

  • Thanks for the tip.

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