Gulp watch shows a lot of Eslint errors. Which dependencies are missing?


Viewed 15 times


I made git clone of an app Ionic 1 done with the Generator-M-Ionic

I have taken the following steps to install the dependencies:

npm install
bower install
npm install --global gulp-cli

And the prerequisites of the generator itself:

npm i -g yo gulp bower
npm i -g generator-m-ionic

After that the command

gulp watch

The terminal performs normal

[13:58:09] Starting 'jsonlint'...
[13:58:10] Finished 'watch' after 191 ms
[Browsersync] Access URLs:
       Local: http://localhost:3000
          UI: http://localhost:3001
 UI External:
[Browsersync] Serving files from: app
[Browsersync] Serving files from: .tmp
[13:58:10] Finished 'jsonlint' after 488 ms

But several errors like this below appear next in the terminal and my browser only opens an empty screen.

   2:1   error    "SocialWaveApp" is not defined          no-undef
   3:3   warning  Unexpected console statement            no-console
   4:3   error    "mixpanel" is not defined               no-undef
   8:9   error    "hideSheet" is defined but never used   no-unused-vars
  13:32  error    "index" is defined but never used       no-unused-vars
  17:9   error    "mixpanel" is not defined               no-undef
  22:9   warning  Unexpected console statement            no-console
  30:11  error    "facebookConnectPlugin" is not defined  no-undef
  34:13  warning  Unexpected console statement            no-console

How to find out which dependencies are and what is missing?

1 answer


The problem was with some dependencies like fserve that only runs on Mac, so the solution was to use a Macbook, now the application works.

Eslint errors only show that my project is not using Javascript good practices.

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