Surveyjs catch the title tag instead of the name in the result


Viewed 45 times


I’m using the library of Surveyjs editor, but in the editor the result is being saved using the name as a reference to put in the result.

Example : Survey Result: {"question1":"item1","question2":"item2"}.

Example of Json that creates the questionnaire in the editor :

 pages: [
   name: "page1",
   elements: [
     type: "radiogroup",
     name: "question1",
     title: "Sobre sua vida",
     choices: [
     type: "radiogroup",
     name: "question2",
     title: "Sobre seus carros",
     choices: [

Result I’m trying to get :

Survey Result: {"Sobre sua vida":"item1","Sobre seus carros":"item2"}.

This is the component link : Surveyjs editor

1 answer


You need to change the default JSON generated by the component. To do this just make a for in on the object changing the key name for title:

Survey.Survey.cssType = "bootstrap";

var surveyJSON = {"pages":[{"name":"page1","elements":[{"type":"radiogroup","name":"question2","title":"pergunta 1","choices":["item1","item2","item3"]},{"type":"radiogroup","name":"question1","title":"pergunta 2","choices":["item1","item2","item3"]}]}]}

// aqui eu altero o JSON
var objJson = surveyJSON.pages[0].elements;
for(var item in objJson){
   objJson[item].name = objJson[item].title;

function sendDataToServer(survey) {
    //send Ajax request to your web server.
    alert("The results are:" + JSON.stringify(;

var survey = new Survey.Model(surveyJSON);
    model: survey,
    onComplete: sendDataToServer
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="surveyContainer"></div>

  • dvd, thanks for the return, I performed some test and this working, but I’m trying to accomplish this when I call the function "Survey.onComplete.add" because there is a visibleif option of the component that uses the tag name , and if I change this tag name before visibleif will not work. If you have any other suggestions, thank you.

  • Okay... I’ll analyze it and I’ll give you an answer

  • Does cloning the JSON and leaving the original intact. How would this function "Survey.onComplete.add"?

  • Survey.onComplete.add(Function (result) { }); it is fired after confirming that the questionnaire is complete then by, collect the result but it does not come as the format I need,I think cloning won’t work... I’m losing my hair from thinking about it so much.

  • Then, the is the return of the query. If you create a variable that stores the, type resultado =; you can make the changes I proposed and use the two things differently.

  • Got DVD, thank you so much for the help!!! With this in mind I will be able to finalize this code , Vlww!!

  • Cool... I hope it works. Be sure to mark the famous to close the issue. If you need just call.

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