I am trying to create a code in which I will insert 10 candidate names in a queue using a C structure. But I don’t have much knowledge in C data structure.
I did it this way:
#define TAM 5
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <locale.h>
typedef struct
int final;
int inicio;
int tamanho;
int contador;
char *vetorFila[TAM];
} pretendentes;
void ListarNomesDosPretendentes();
void removerNomesDosPretendentes();
void receberNomesDosPretendentes();
void armazenarNomesDosPretendentes();
int main(void)
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
int menu = 0;
int operacao = 0;
printf("1 - Inserir nome\n");
printf("2 - Remover nome\n");
printf("3 - Exibir fila\n");
scanf("%i", &menu);
} while(menu < 0 && menu > 3);
switch (operacao)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
return 0;
void receberNomesDosPretendentes()
static char nomes[10], *ptr;
printf("Digite o nome ou aperte ENTER para sair.");
printf("\n\nDigite o nome do pretendente: ");
ptr = (char*) malloc(strlen(nomes));
strcpy(ptr, nomes);
} while(*nomes);
void armazenarNomesDosPretendentes(pretendentes *Pretendente, char *ptr)
if(Pretendente -> inicio == TAM)
printf("A fila está cheia.");
return 0;
Pretendente -> vetorFila[Pretendente->inicio] = ptr;
Pretendente -> inicio++;
void removerNomesDosPretendentes(pretendentes *Pretendente)
if(Pretendente -> inicio == Pretendente -> final)
printf("A fila está vazia.");
return 0;
Pretendente -> final--;
void ListarNomesDosPretendentes(pretendentes *Pretendente)
int i;
for(i = Pretendente -> final; i < TAM; i++)
printf("Pretendente %d: %s", i+1, Pretendente -> vetorFila[i]);
But just when I turn is giving an error, someone helps me identify the error? It runs but soon breaks...
"int pinicial" should be global, like this. You are always inserted at position 0. You can use "Static int pinicial"
– Sveen
Probably the worst C book ever written.
– Maniero
Interestingly, his code matches his of this question. And I can’t resist asking the same question I did. The function
is supposed to do what ?– Isac
@Isac The function of qstore is to store queued names entered by the user.
– user109111
@Maniero Which language book would you refer me to? I need solid references, I turned to books.
– user109111
– Maniero
There is tutorial on queue on the internet, gave a google and found this. I have not read it, I do not know if it is good, but since it is an extremely basic subject, any tutorial should serve
– Leonardo Alves Machado