How to create QUEUE by passing STRUCT


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I am trying to create a code in which I will insert 10 candidate names in a queue using a C structure. But I don’t have much knowledge in C data structure.

I did it this way:

#define TAM 5

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <locale.h>

    typedef struct

        int final;
        int inicio;
        int tamanho;   
        int contador;

        char *vetorFila[TAM];

    }  pretendentes;

    void ListarNomesDosPretendentes();
    void removerNomesDosPretendentes();
    void receberNomesDosPretendentes();
    void armazenarNomesDosPretendentes();

    int main(void)
        setlocale(LC_ALL, "");        

        int menu = 0;
        int operacao = 0;

                printf("1 - Inserir nome\n");
                printf("2 - Remover nome\n");
                printf("3 - Exibir fila\n");
                scanf("%i", &menu);

            } while(menu < 0 && menu > 3);

            switch (operacao)
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:

        return 0;

    void receberNomesDosPretendentes()
        static char nomes[10], *ptr;

        printf("Digite o nome ou aperte ENTER para sair.");
            printf("\n\nDigite o nome do pretendente: ");

            ptr = (char*) malloc(strlen(nomes));
            strcpy(ptr, nomes);


        } while(*nomes);

    void armazenarNomesDosPretendentes(pretendentes *Pretendente, char *ptr)
        if(Pretendente -> inicio == TAM)
            printf("A fila está cheia.");
            return 0;

        Pretendente -> vetorFila[Pretendente->inicio] = ptr;
        Pretendente -> inicio++;


    void removerNomesDosPretendentes(pretendentes *Pretendente)
        if(Pretendente -> inicio == Pretendente -> final)
            printf("A fila está vazia.");
            return 0;

        Pretendente -> final--;


    void ListarNomesDosPretendentes(pretendentes *Pretendente)
        int i;

        for(i = Pretendente -> final; i < TAM; i++)
            printf("Pretendente %d: %s", i+1, Pretendente -> vetorFila[i]);

But just when I turn is giving an error, someone helps me identify the error? It runs but soon breaks...

  • "int pinicial" should be global, like this. You are always inserted at position 0. You can use "Static int pinicial"

  • Probably the worst C book ever written.

  • Interestingly, his code matches his of this question. And I can’t resist asking the same question I did. The function qstore is supposed to do what ?

  • @Isac The function of qstore is to store queued names entered by the user.

  • @Maniero Which language book would you refer me to? I need solid references, I turned to books.


  • There is tutorial on queue on the internet, gave a google and found this. I have not read it, I do not know if it is good, but since it is an extremely basic subject, any tutorial should serve

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