Report not found when running . jar


Viewed 84 times


In netbeans it finds the normal report, but when I go through the jar, it is not finding.

I have seen some topics here about this problem, but still I could not solve, because they say that is just take the "src" the path of the folder where the report is allocated.

Follows my code:

Connection conn = new SQLConnection().java_db();
if(!jComboBox1.getSelectedItem().equals("Selecione...")&&procurar1.getDate()!= null && procurar2.getDate()!=null){
Map p = new HashMap();
p.put("tipoteste", jComboBox1.getSelectedItem());
p.put("dataini", procurar1.getDate());
p.put("datafim", procurar2.getDate());
JasperReport relatorio;
JasperPrint impressao;

try {
    relatorio = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(new File("").getAbsolutePath()
            + "/Relatorios/reprovadosgeral.jrxml");

    impressao = JasperFillManager.fillReport(relatorio, p, conn);
    JasperViewer view = new JasperViewer(impressao, false);
    view.setTitle("Relatório Reprovados");

} catch (Exception e) {

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Preencha todos os campos");

1 answer


Depending on the environment where you are running the . jar, can be a problem as to the folder orientation, while Linux uses "/" in Windows "\".

See more in Long live Linux.

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  • The bars are correct yes, because by the IDE it performs normally..

  • @Gabrielbispo no, they are not. Java itself has a tool to avoid going through this situation. Use File.separator. The Jasper interpreter cannot decipher the computer’s OS, so you have to let java check it first.

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