I would like to know how to invert "First Name, Last Name, Age" to "Age, First Name, Last Name"
Follows my code:
import pandas as pd #Importa a biblioteca "Python Data Analysis"
df = pd.read_excel('Pasta1.xlsx') #Lê o arquivo xlsx
df = df.drop('MiddleInitial', axis = 1) #Remove a coluna "MiddleInitial"
df = df.drop('Gender', axis = 1) #Remove a coluna "Gender"
df.rename(columns = {"Age": "Idade", "GivenName": "Nome", "Surname": "Sobrenome"}, inplace = True) #Altera o nome das colunas
df.head() #lê a linha a cima
dfOrdenado = df.sort_values(by = 'Nome', ascending = True) #Ordena a lista
print(dfOrdenado) #Imprime a Lista
This answer is identical to what had already been posted before, there is nothing you want to add to make it more complete or different? Related: https://pt.meta.stackoverflow.com/q/4566/3117
– Math