I’m a beginner in CSS, have divs
two and three columns that fit well when displayed in PC, but I need to modify their behavior when viewed in the mobile. I would like the divs
were under each other but I’m not getting.
Below follows my code, the CSS is inline
because I’m using inside the Wordpress.
<div id="site" style="width:100%; margin-top:0; margin-left:auto; margin-bottom:0; margin-right:auto; background-color:#666;">
<div id="header" style="width:100%; background-color:#ffffff;">
<div id="conteudo" style="width:100%;height:400px; background-color:#0F0">
<div id="conteudo-left" style="width:50%; float:left; background-color:#fff; ">
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How to include the CSS in the question?
– Sam
Goveia I’ll tell you right away, using "inline" styles you won’t be able to! Simply pq vc won’t be able to build your Breaking points
straight in the style of the tag. Also by CSS hierarchy the direct styles in the tag have more weight than what is written in a file . css for example, so even using an external CSS you won’t be able to override the style that is already in the tag. Summing up if u don’t take the styles from within the tag vc won’t be able to make a responsive website.– hugocsl
@dvd or then sapecando a ! Import in 100% of the classes rss... better not even give idea right :D
– hugocsl
I had to Google "Pogar", but it’s from there to worse haha
– hugocsl
@dvd these crossbrowser problems with Safari for me is complicated because I don’t work on Mac so Windows, and the latest version of Safari for Windows I think is from 2012... But put there that I try to give you a strength yes. If the Loader you used was exactly that already try to change the
to test, it is accelerated by hardware, sometimes sure will know, because the classes I have seen that use -Webkit-. If you want to post the question help what you can. It’s worth the compliment, but you’re the metre here! : p– hugocsl
@dvd the name of the animation tb has to have the prefix -Webkit-Animation:name sascumin prefix fills the bag...
– hugocsl