I’m using Summernote with these settings :
toolbar: [
['custom', ['comment']],
['style', ['style']],
['font', ['bold', 'underline', 'clear']],
['fontname', ['fontname']],
['color', ['color']],
['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],
['table', ['table']],
['insert', ['link', 'picture', 'video', 'modalcomment']],
['view', ['fullscreen', 'codeview','help']]
// popover
popatmouse: true,
popover: {
image: [
['imagesize', ['imageSize100', 'imageSize50', 'imageSize25']],
['float', ['floatLeft', 'floatRight', 'floatNone']],
['remove', ['removeMedia']],
['custom', ['comment']]
link: [
['link', ['linkDialogShow', 'unlink']]
table: [
['add', ['addRowDown', 'addRowUp', 'addColLeft', 'addColRight']],
['delete', ['deleteRow', 'deleteCol', 'deleteTable']]
air: [
['color', ['color']],
['font', ['bold', 'underline', 'clear']],
['para', ['ul', 'paragraph']],
['table', ['table']],
['insert', ['link', 'picture']]
disableDragAndDrop: true,
lang: 'pt-br',
tabsize: 2,
height: 650,
dialogsInBody: true,
codemirror: { // codemirror options
theme: 'monokai'
callbacks: {
onImageUpload: function (image) {
onKeyup: function () {
window.sessionStorage.setItem('conteudo', $('#editor1').summernote('code'));
window.sessionStorage.setItem('id', $('#conteudo--id').attr('data-id'));
but for some reason the Bold is not working to remove the style he adds, any idea of what might be ?