i have an angular design that runs normally in the production environment, but I’m looking to build it and I’m getting the following error when using the npm run build command:
ERROR in Error: Type Imagecroppercomponent in C:/d/Workspaces/Curso Java Workspace/pk2-angular-v1.0.0/node_modules/ng2-img-Cropper/src/imageCropperComponent.d.ts is part of the declarations of 2 modules: Appmodule in C:/d/Workspaces/Java Course Workspace/pk2-angular-v1.0.0/src/app/app.module.ts and Imagecroppermodule in C:/d/Workspaces/Java Course Workspace/pk2-angular-v1.0.0/node_modules/ng2-img-Cropper/src/imageCropperModule.d.ts! Please consider Moving Imagecroppercomponent in C:/d/Workspaces/Curso Java Workspace/pk2-angular-v1.0.0/node_modules/ng2-img-Cropper/src/imageCropperComponent.d.ts to a Higher module that Imports Appmodule in C:/d/Workspaces/Curso Java Workspace/pk2-angular-v1.0.0/src/app/app.module.ts and Imagecroppermodule in C:/d/Workspaces/Java Course Workspace/pk2-angular-v1.0.0/node_modules/ng2-img-Cropper/src/imageCropperModule.d.ts. You can also create a new Ngmodule that Exports and includes Imagecroppercomponent in C:/d/Workspaces/Java Course Workspace/pk2-angular-v1.0.0/node_modules/ng2-img-Cropper/src/imageCropperComponent.d.ts then import that Ngmodule in Appmodule in C:/d/Workspaces/Curso Java Workspace/pk2-angular-v1.0.0/src/app/app.module.ts and Imagecroppermodule in C:/d/Workspaces/Java Course Workspace/pk2-angular-v1.0.0/node_modules/ng2-img-Cropper/src/imageCropperModule.d.ts.
When reading the error I saw that this lib I’m using is part of the statement of two modules (I don’t understand what that means) but let’s go. in my app.module that accuses error I am importing it:
import { ImageCropperComponent } from 'ng2-img-cropper';
and declared in my declarations @Ngmodule. Can someone tell me how to fix it?
Conssegui resolve, I was importing the Component in declarations, but the correct is to import the module in Imports
– Davi Resio