Multiple threads can interfere with timerControl


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I am developing a program that contains more than 10 threads running ... has emerged the need to have two timers, one to block and the other to release a process, so I am using Winforms timerControl ...

who initially are: timer.Enable = false / timer.Interval = 100; at the right time, I put them this way: timer.Interval = 60000 (1min) /timer.Enable = true;

but they never get active .... I have already tried using timer1.Start () together, but it didn’t work...

Does anyone know if this is because of the threads or not...

  • i don’t know much about C#, but if you use the windows API, you can use the method GetTickCount which is the millisecond count since the system started. It has a few tricks to restart after 40.5 days and does not increase in hibernated computers but is thread safe and can help you

  • 1

    well I managed to use them in the following way leaving it active from the beginning and when the test condition is true I change your interval(inside the tick event was the only way to change)and so the condition ceases to be true mute again time.But what I really wanted is to find out the reason...but vlw

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1 answer


well I managed to use them in the following way leaving it active from the beginning and when the test condition is true I change your interval(inside the tick event was the only way to change)and so the condition ceases to be true mute again time.But what I really wanted is to find out the reason...but vlw

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