Doubt with Iframe


Viewed 53 times


I’d like a little help with something apparently simple. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to load the contents of an Iframe only when it is available for viewing in the browser? That is, when the user reaches that point? Is that this Iframe should load a banner. Thanks.

1 answer


It is possible yes. Below I show two ways to do.

Example #1 - Commented:

  let pageTop,

  let iframe = document.querySelector("iframe")

  window.addEventListener("scroll", () => {

    /* Captura o número de pixel (visível ou não) da "janela" na posição Y */
    pageTop = window.pageYOffset
    /* Soma o valor acima com o tamanho da tela visível */
    pageBottom = pageTop + window.innerHeight

     * Soma o tamanho de um elemento e sua posição relativa ao viewport +
     * número de pixel (visível ou não) da "janela" na posição Y
    elementTop = (iframe.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset)
    /* Soma o valora cima com a altura do elemento */
    elementBottom = (elementTop + iframe.height)

     * Realiza as condições para checar se o scroll "chegou" até o elemento
     * Verifica se o atributo "src" está vazio
    if ((elementTop <= pageBottom) && (elementBottom >= pageTop) && iframe.getAttribute("src") === "") {
       * Captura o valor do atributo "data-src" e adiciona em "src"
       * forçando o carregamento
      iframe.setAttribute("src",  iframe.getAttribute("data-src") );

iframe {
  margin: 1000px 0;
<iframe src="" data-src="/"></iframe>

Example #2 - With jQuery:

If you find the above code confusing, large etc. You can use the library jQuery.appear. This library works in a similar way to example #1, but uses jQuery to make it easier for the developer.

 * Informa o elemento que desejamos
 * verificar se está ou não visível

 * Adiciona o evento "appear" para
 * detectar os elementos que estarão
 * visíveis
$('iframe').on('appear', function() {
  if ( $(this).attr("src") == "" ) {
    $(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("data-src"))
iframe {
  margin: 1000px 0;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<iframe src="" data-src="/"></iframe>

  • Great Valdeir. You’re awesome. Thank you very much. It worked 100%. If I could just give the code a more precise implementation, I would really appreciate it. In fact, I would like to indicate the end of a specific DIV for Iframe to come up. Can you help me a little bit more?

  • That would be ?

  • Hello Valdeir. I’m going to do some tests but apparently it is.Thank you very much once again.

  • @Luizaralanleite If you have helped him, do not forget to mark as solved. :)

  • Excellent. It worked 100%. Thank you.

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