python font error 2x


Viewed 87 times


I am trying to create separate fonts for my project in a file, after creating them I care for project, I do it this way as follows:


Criando as fontes.
def fontes(self):
    self.font1=("Arial", "60")

py project.

 from Tkinter import *
 from fonte import *

 class base:
    def __init__(self, janela):
        a=Label(caixa, text="teste para o funcionamento das fontes", font=self.font1)

But when I try to use the source:

a = Label(caixa, text="teste para o funcionamento das fontes", font=font1)

She’s making a mistake and says she’s not global:

Nameerror: global name 'font1' is not defined

Could someone tell me how I can make use of sources without being within the project itself?

1 answer


The error is happening because the system is searching for the variable 'font1' which in your case was never declared.

You can do the following:


import tkfont

def fontes(self):
    arial = Font(family="Arial",size=60,weight="normal") 
    return arial

py project.

a=Label(caixa, text="teste para o funcionamento das fontes", font=fontes())
  • Hi - so the code you put here should be ok (I haven’t tested, but it doesn’t look good -- come to think of it, pq. Does your "fonts" function have the "self" parameter?? It doesn’t look so good anymore... :-/) - but O.P. is having doubts about how Python works, confusing functions with classes, for example, using recognized bad practices (from X import * ) - what do you think about giving a touch on these things to improve your response. I.e.: clarifying what is wrong, not only posting some lines that work?

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