My Lightbox module that I inserted in Angular does not work, how to do it?


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Well I installed this Lightbox module with the command npm install lightbox2 --save according to the website: lightbox so far so good.

After I put the paths in the angular file-cli.json as examples I searched on the net and it was like this:

"styles": [
  "scripts": [

After I mounted my HTML as indicated on the site lightbox:

<a href="../../assets/img/teste.jpg" data-lightbox="teste.jpg" class="imagem" style="background-image: url('../../assets/img/1.jpg')">
    <img src="../../assets/img/teste.jpg" style="display: none">

Well, then I went to try to visualize on the page the desired effect (according to the site lightbox) didn’t work, now I don’t know if there’s anything else missing or if there’s something wrong with what I did?

  • You better include the version of the agular you are using, and the lightbox startup code, wherever you have entered.

  • The version is 5.2.9, from angular cli 1.7.3 and from Node 8.11.1. In the links I left in the description have as I installed the lightbox, the folder (structure) of it ended up in the folder node_modulos? The initialization of which you refer I believe is the last part of my description, that should work!

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