On big scrapings how to avoid Connectionerror?


Viewed 172 times


In Python 3, I have a program to make web-scraping tables on websites. There are 5,299 pages, on each page there is a table

With XHR I found the generated JSON on each page. But there is always a connection error after the program searches a few pages (In the example below only caught cases of the state "RJ"):

import requests
import pandas as pd
import random
from time import sleep

mandados = []
i = 1

while i <= 5299:
    payload = {

    url = ('http://www.cnj.jus.br/bnmp/rest/pesquisar')

    r = requests.post(url, json=payload)
    sleep(random.uniform(0.2, 10))


    print("Página: ", i)
    i = i+1

df = pd.DataFrame(mandados)

df.to_csv('mandados_12_abr_2018_RJ.csv', index=False)

Error that appears after some pages:

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='www.cnj.jus.br', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /bnmp/rest/pesquisar (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fb19d8d1eb8>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',))

Please, is there any way to avoid that mistake?

With threads it is possible to avoid the error?

1 answer


Testing and changing the structure to use threads is a lot of pags to use just one, unless you have time.

In my opinion, either you choose the columns to store in csv, or it simply stays in a json file, because you have nested data and it’s not good like that, but you can adjust it later as you want: import requests import pandas as pd import import threading, Ueue, json from time import Sleep

def get_req(i):
    url = 'http://www.cnj.jus.br/bnmp/rest/pesquisar'
    payload = {"criterio":{"orgaoJulgador":{"uf":"RJ","municipio":"","descricao":""},"orgaoJTR":{},"parte":{"documentos":[{"identificacao":""}]}},"paginador":{"paginaAtual":i},"fonetica":"true","ordenacao":{"porNome":False,"porData":False}}
        req = requests.get(url, json=payload).json()
    except Exception as err:
        sleep(1) # para nao 'massacrar' ainda mais o servidor, nem o nosso cpu
        return get_req(i)
        return req

def p_manager(p_q): # funcao responsavel pelos prints aqui vai atuar o nosso p_q definido em baixo
    while True:
        msg = p_q.get()

def handle_reqs(work):
    total_w = len(work)
    while work:
        i = work.pop(0) # fazendo assim vamos aliviando a memoria
        p_q.put('[+] {}/{} - obtendo pag: {}'.format(len(work), total_w, i))
        req = get_req(i)
        for idx, i in enumerate(req['mandados']):
            for j in i['detalhes']:
               j_spl = j.split(':') # separar chave do valor
               req['mandados'][idx][j_spl[0]] = j_spl[1].strip()
    if(threading.active_count() <= 3): # se só houverem 3 threads (esta, a main, e a daemon), acabamos o scrapping
        data_q.put(True) # acabou e enviamos o sinal para desbloquear e escrever no ficheiro

p_q = queue.Queue() # responsavel pelos prints, nao queremos sobrecarregar as outras threads com os prints (chamadas de sistema)
t = threading.Thread(target=p_manager, args=(p_q,))
t.daemon = True # daemon, significa que o programa acaba independentemente se esta tem trabalho pendente ou nao
t.start() # inicia-la

data_q = queue.Queue() # responsavel pelo rastreio do do final scrapping 
mandados = []
num_threads = 100 # vamos usar 100 threads
works = [list(range(1, 5299))[i::num_threads] for i in range(num_threads)] # preparar o trabalho para cada thread
for w in works: # dividir o trabalho pelas threads
    threading.Thread(target=handle_reqs, args=(w,)).start() # iniciar cada uma

data_q.get() # bloquear até receber o sinal e continuar o prog

# print(mandados)
df = pd.DataFrame(mandados, columns=['nomeParte', 'orgao', 'numeroMandado', 'dataMandado', 'situacao', 'Nome do Genitor', 'Nome da Genitora', 'Data de nascimento', 'Carteira de identidade'])
df.to_csv('mandados_12_abr_2018_RJ.csv', index=False, sep=';')


                            nomeParte orgao                  numeroMandado  \
0             CLAUDIA FERREIRA VIEIRA  TJRJ  358208-13.2011.8.19.0001.0002   
1  JEFFERSON FARIAS DE SOUZA ASSUNÇÃO  TJRJ  358208-13.2011.8.19.0001.0001   
2            LEANDRO MARINHO DA SILVA  TJRJ    7725-44.2011.8.19.0036.0001   
3          NEWTON SERGIO SERPA FARACO  TJRJ     935-15.2012.8.19.0002.0001   
4          FABIANO FIGUEIREDO MARQUES  TJRJ    4091-11.2012.8.19.0002.0001   

  dataMandado                situacao                   Nome do Genitor  \
0  2012-02-01  Aguardando Cumprimento              José Salema Ferreira   
1  2012-02-01  Aguardando Cumprimento     Sergio Ricardo Souza Assunção   
2  2012-02-01  Aguardando Cumprimento         Gilberto Marinho Da Silva   
3  2012-02-01  Aguardando Cumprimento            Carlos Henrique Faraco   
4  2012-02-01  Aguardando Cumprimento  Carlos Henrique Da Silva Marques   

                      Nome da Genitora Data de nascimento  \
0             Izabel Teixeira Ferreira         22/08/1973   
1                        Elaine Farias         07/01/1992   
2     Maria Das Dores Marinho Da Silva                NaN   
3                 Marilda Serpa Faraco         19/07/1979   
4  Isabel Cristina De Souza Figueiredo         17/01/1984   

  Carteira de identidade  
0              111860326  
1              246563449  
2              122077373  
3              126036201  
4              204365324
  • hello, thank you very much. here took about 10 minutes. on error pages appeared: ('Connection aborted.', Connectionreseterror(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) - at the end generated a CSV with the columns: sent, message, pager and success

  • in warrants has 5.298 lines, which is the information that interests me. is a list with dictionaries

  • I guess when the req comes back I’d have to select only the information of warrants, right? That’s possible?

  • 1

    @Reinaldochaves but what is the information of warrants? Which columns interest you?

  • namePart, organization, numberMandate, dateMandate, situation and details

  • 1

    Details is a list, so I suggest, in order not to evade the question that was asked, that you ask another question to know how to parse those columns in order to have the ones that interest you. I’m sorry, but I was going to have to change the answer a lot and I was going to be out of context with the question

  • I put here: https://answall.com/questions/291062/howto create dataframe-em-pandas-a-partir-de-series-com-dicion%C3%a1rios , @Miguel

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