I’m having trouble finding a way to search for more than one keyword at the same time, I couldn’t find anything in the google documentation about it. I need to look for sandwiches, but in São Paulo, especially in the countryside, they call sandwiches for snacks, for example. So when I use the keyword "sandwiches" or "sandwiches" it does not return the "snack bars".
I’ve tried some ways, but I haven’t succeeded yet:
keyword: 'diner|sandwich|burger|hot-dog' keyword: 'snack bar+sandwich+burger+hot-dog' keyword: 'snack, sandwich, burger,hot-dog' keyword: 'hot-dog burger sandwich snack'
I’m using the "nearbySearch".
this.request = {
location: position,
radius: '5000',
keyword: 'lanchonete|sanduiche|hamburguer|hot-dog',
type: 'food'
using Keywords, filtered nothing. In the browser it worked, but in the API it did not.
– Rogerio Pavan da Silva
Using commas, it only brings me a result.
– Rogerio Pavan da Silva