I have a Mysql DBMS with several tables, I searched unsuccessfully how to do a routine, I need to change all URL’s of all tables to another URL.
I have a Mysql DBMS with several tables, I searched unsuccessfully how to do a routine, I need to change all URL’s of all tables to another URL.
You can use the information_schema.Columns table to extract the list of columns and tables and assemble the update instructions to run individually. Example:
CONCAT('UPDATE ', table_name, ' SET ', column_name, ' = REPLACE(', column_name, ', ''xxx'', ''yyy'');')
table_schema = '<SEU BANCO AQUI>'
AND data_type IN ('char, ''varchar', 'text')
I tried this and could not, it is news to me, I changed url1 and url2 and the name of the database, I tried in phpmyadmin to execute the command, gave a total of 18 results, but did not change, in DB has the information_schema, but I do not know how to make use of execute and assemble the instructions.
It worked, opaaaa, I saw that you need to print the return view, returned several SQL commands and ran them and was successful, Thank you very much.
Great! Luck and success for you!
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Maybe I can help you: https://answall.com/q/29508/89055
– Danilo de Oliveira
This would be a slow process, because there are more than 30 tables in the bank. Thanks for the contribution.
– ElvisP