I’m trying to consume a Web Service and I’m not getting the expected results.
Apparently the mistake I could understand is in the structure as I’m going through the Vector of arguments to call the method, I have tried to do several ways and still continue with the error.
The web service request structure I’m using is presented below.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ser="http://services.senior.com.br">
My PHP code is this:
$url = new SoapClient('');
$funcao = 'ColaboradoresAdmitidos';
$argumentos = array('ColaboradoresAdmitidos'=>
array('user' => 'USER',
'password' => 'XXX',
'encryption' => 0,
'parameters' =>
array('NumEmp'=> 1,
'AbrTipCol' => 1,
'IniPer' => '01/01/2018',
'FimPer' => '01/01/2018')
$opcoes = array('location' => '');
$result = $url->__soapCall($funcao,$argumentos,$opcoes);
The result I get is this: An error occurred when executing the service "AP - Employees admitted": Values of mandatory parameters were not informed.
Details: Mandatory parameters not informed:
- Numemp
- Abrtipcol
- Iniper
Detail that I am passing the parameters that the message says I did not pass, if anyone can help me, maybe I am just missing in the assembly of array of arguments for the method call soap__call