Clear a datagridview in C#


Viewed 15,655 times


I tried all this already and nothing has worked. Everyone is deleting the lines and column. What I need is to clear the content written on them.

DataGridView1.DataSource=null; //Remover a datasource
DataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); //Remover as colunas
DataGridView1.Rows.Clear();    //Remover as linhas
DataGridView1.Refresh();    //Para a grid se actualizar
  • What is the Type of the object that was in Datasource ?

  • Bindingsource, a table.

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6 answers


You need to scroll through the rows and clear each cell as follows:

foreach (var row in dataGridView1.Rows)
    foreach (var cell in row.Cells)
        cell.Value = ""; // ou qualquer outro valor que signifique 'limpar' no seu contexto
  • I tried as well but the lines are clean and do not disappear, for example, I have a,datagrid with 10 lines, the code above cleans the content but it is the 10 lines. There’s another way to make the lines disappear without the columns disappearing?


At first the other forms described above did not work here, so...

This way removes all lines values etc, (gray pattern).

for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.RowCount; i++)


Hello guys I solved my problem like this: Clear a dataDrid C#

dataGridView1.DataSource = null;

Then you just do:

dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Coluna", "Coluna");//Acrescenta colunas
dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Coluna2", "Coluna2");//Acrescenta colunas
dataGridView1.Rows.Add("A", "B");//Acrescenta Linhas
  • If the content comes from the database, you are creating a structure that will require maintenance in two locations, given any table changes.


        //LIMPAR GRID
  • 2

    Could explain what these lines do?

  • 3

    The code seems to identify to the question, you changed only the capital letter to minuscula, I do not understand how this solves the problem. Could explain?


The lower command clears lines except the grid header



I usually use Dataset (Ds) as Datasource in Datagridview (DGV) and when I want to clean the grid I use the

DGV.DataSouce= Ds;
Ds.Clear(); //Retira os valores da tabela mantendo os campos

This way I can either clean the DMV or update it. I hope I’ve helped

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