Sum of whole numbers from 1 to 100


Viewed 13,025 times


I am trying to create an algorithm that adds the numbers of the interval 1-100. In addition the program prints each element of the sum and at the end the result.

That is, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6...

Important: Using pseudo-language (English). But I am doing something wrong in my logic and the result does not correspond to reality.

What would be?

// Seção de Declarações das variáveis 
   numero, soma, index : inteiro

// Seção de Comandos, procedimento, funções, operadores, etc... 
   numero <- 1
   index <- 2
   escreva (numero, " + ")
   soma <- numero + index
   enquanto (index < 101) faca
            numero <- numero + 1
            index <- index + 1
            escreva (numero, " + ")
            soma <- soma + index
   escreva ("A soma dos inteiros de 1 à 100 é: ", soma)

As a response to the above code Visualg delivers:

 1 +  2 +  3 +  4 +  5 +  6 +  7 +  8 +  9 +  10 +  11 +  12 +  13 +  14 +  15 +  16 +  17 +  18 +  19 +  20 +  21 +  22 +  23 +  24 +  25 +  26 +  27 +  28 +  29 +  30 +  31 +  32 +  33 +  34 +  35 +  36 +  37 +  38 +  39 +  40 +  41 +  42 +  43 +  44 +  45 +  46 +  47 +  48 +  49 +  50 +  51 +  52 +  53 +  54 +  55 +  56 +  57 +  58 +  59 +  60 +  61 +  62 +  63 +  64 +  65 +  66 +  67 +  68 +  69 +  70 +  71 +  72 +  73 +  74 +  75 +  76 +  77 +  78 +  79 +  80 +  81 +  82 +  83 +  84 +  85 +  86 +  87 +  88 +  89 +  90 +  91 +  92 +  93 +  94 +  95 +  96 +  97 +  98 +  99 +  100 + A soma dos inteiros de 1 à 100 é:  5151
  • What is the result that is coming out? Because index is it 2? From what I see numero and index could be the same variable

  • 1

    How about this? escreva("A soma dos inteiros de 1 à 100 é: 5050")

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3 answers


There is too much variable and some things that don’t make sense. It’s simple, write the number, add it and increment to go to the next.

    soma, index : inteiro
    index <- 1
    soma <- 0
    enquanto (index < 101) faca
        escreva (index, " + ")
        soma <- soma + index
        index <- index + 1
    escreva ("A soma dos inteiros de 1 à 100 é: ", soma)

I put in the Github for future reference.


Thanks! I had just got it when your msg arrived. I will leave below as my resolution and sorry for the trivial question.

   numero, soma: inteiro
      numero <- 0
      soma <- 0
      enquanto (numero < 100) faca
               numero <- numero + 1
               soma <- soma + numero
               se (numero = 100) entao
                  escreval (numero)
                    escreva (numero, " + ")
      escreva ("A soma dos inteiros de 1 à 100 é", soma)


algoritmo "somados100numerosinteiros"
var soma,cont, index:inteiro
soma <- 0
cont <- 1

escreva (cont, " + ")
enquanto (cont<101) faca
soma <- soma + cont
cont <- cont + 1
index <- index + 1
escreva (cont, " + ")
escreval ("0 = ",soma)

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