Send notification to online users within the system


Viewed 116 times


How do I make my system after sending a registration to the bd, users who are online receive by notification such action. Example: User(a), added a client in a queue, at that time the system records this record in the queue table, in the next action the system would send to a determine group of users (online) that such client is in the queue. I even managed to do, but notifications only appear to the user who is working, the others do not receive anything.

  • Which database are you using? Firebase has a read option where data is updated when there is a change in the database

  • am using mysql

1 answer


I’ve also been there trying to implement a feature that changes the front end in real time.

What I was able to find interesting to solve this problem was about sockets. Since you have the PHP tags and javascript I suppose it’s for the web, so more specifically you can search for Websockets.

There are ready-made tools (calls from Hosted) and other tools that assist in the implementation (Self-hosted). Of the Hosted, the one I liked the most was Pusher. Already from the hosted I found Ratchet, for PHP, very good and easier to work, but there is a more complete one called Reactphp.

You can also use Firebase, a service from Google, which has real-time database functionality. Adapting it to your needs is also possible to use it for this purpose.

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