Input CPF mask in html form (no plugin)


Viewed 7,438 times


I wanted a simple input mask, just to put 999.999.999-99, dots and the last dash in the field of Cpf, no check, no nothing, simple, and no plugin just code, if I’m not mistaken have the regrex or something similar, I appreciate the attention!

  • 2

    take a look:

  • Thanks for your help!

1 answer


You can use this, but it only works with blur:

var cpf = document.querySelector("#cpf");

cpf.addEventListener("blur", function(){
   if(cpf.value) cpf.value = cpf.value.match(/.{1,3}/g).join(".").replace(/\.(?=[^.]*$)/,"-");
<input type="text" id="cpf" maxlength="11" />

It also works while the CPF is being typed:

function mascara(i){
   var v = i.value;
   if(isNaN(v[v.length-1])){ // impede entrar outro caractere que não seja número
      i.value = v.substring(0, v.length-1);
   i.setAttribute("maxlength", "14");
   if (v.length == 3 || v.length == 7) i.value += ".";
   if (v.length == 11) i.value += "-";

<input oninput="mascara(this)" type="text">

  • Thank you! both work right!

  • I made a small correction on the first. Abs!

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