Bindvalue error (or INSERT)


Viewed 17 times


Warning: Pdostatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid Parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens in C: xampp htdocs teste all_processo.php on line 92

Error line:



		$sql = "INSERT INTO processos (proc_id, numero, assunto, requerente, status)
			VALUES(:proc_id, :numero, :assunto, :requerente, :status)";
		$sql = "INSERT INTO informes (inf_id, de_setor, para_setor, informe, data, informante, processo_id)
			VALUES (:inf_id, :de_setor, :para_setor, :informe, :data, :informante, :processo_id)";

			$stm = $conexao->prepare($sql);
			$stm->bindValue(':proc_id', $proc_id);
			$stm->bindValue(':numero', $numero);			
			$stm->bindValue(':assunto', $assunto);
			$stm->bindValue(':requerente', $requerente);
			$stm->bindValue(':status', $status);
			$stm->bindValue(':inf_id', $inf_id);
			$stm->bindValue(':de_setor', $de_setor);
			$stm->bindValue(':para_setor', $para_setor);
			$stm->bindValue(':informe', $informe);
			$stm->bindValue(':data', $data);
			$stm->bindValue(':informante', $informante);
			$stm->bindValue(':processo_id', $processo_id);
			$retorno = $stm->execute();               //LINHA 92

			if ($retorno):
				echo "<div class='center1' role='alert'>Processo inserido com sucesso, aguarde você está sendo redirecionado...</div> ";
				echo "<div class='loader'</div>";
		    	echo "<div class='center1' role='alert'>Erro ao inserir processo, aguarde!</div>";
				echo "<div class='loader'</div>";

			echo "<meta http-equiv=refresh content='4;URL=listarprocessos.php'>";
			catch(Exception $e){

    echo $e->getMessage();


  • You’re declaring twice var $sql, and the second is the one that will prevail, and does not have the same number of VALUES that yours bindValue

  • For this I made the transaction. should I put $sql and $sql2? (for example)

  • No, in the second $sql you do $sql .= "INSERT...

  • and take the transaction? thanks in advance.

  • you need to do two separate Inserts and the backups.

  • I did as follows: $sql = "INSERT INTO processes(proc_id, number, subject, requester, status) VALUES(:proc_id, :number, :subject, :applicant, :status)"; $stm = $connected->prepare($sql.="INSERT INTO informes(inf_id, de_sector, para_sector, inform, date, informant, processo_id) VALUES (:inf_id, :de_setor, :para_setor, :informe, :data, :informante, :processo_id)"); .

  • you have to do something like $processos = 'insert .... values (:id, :nome)';$stm->prepare($processos); if($stm->execute()){ $informes = 'insert .... values (:outroId, outroNome)'; $stm->preapre($informes) ..... See that now has two variables of Insert, two calls from prepare() and execute() just don’t forget to make the Binds before the run.

  • after doing what you said, @rray, is recording twice the same data.

  • I believe it is better to create a new question already the code has changed and the error too.

  • OK, but there is no visible error

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