Formatting graphs in Excel


Viewed 45 times


How to make so that when I take the information from a server using mysql, this information appears in the chart sheet already formatted in excel?

1 answer


1º You need to define an area in excel for the data that will be used as source for the chart;

2º You need to create a Module in VBA that connects with the Mysql database, select the data you want in the chart and plot the result of this select in the data area of the reserved chart in excel.

3º Whenever you run the macro that makes select in Mysql, the data will be updated in excel.

Example: you create a chart in excel and define that the chart data area will be from cell A1 up to D1000, then when you populate those cells with the data you will bring from the database, the chart will be updated as well.

  • But it has to be on the same spreadsheet?

  • Normally yes, you can put it in another tab, if you don’t want it to be in the same tab of the chart.

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