How to hide a table in excel without resizing the chart


Viewed 65 times


I would like to hide a table but it feeds a graph, I would like to do this without resizing the graph. This chart uses selection buttons that have been formatted with macros.

  • If this table is filled with data coming from some program, Voce can leave the tab that this table belongs hidden and in the program just pass the file path and tab you want to access. See more at

  • The chart and table are in the same tab on each other and I would not like to create another tab just for a table.

1 answer


One option is to use an event in the tab to resize the chart. I opted for the Selectionchange event. Follow the suggestion:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1)
         .Height = 325 'ajustar para tamanho desejado
         .Width = 500 'ajustar para tamanho desejado
End With

End Sub

If you need an introduction to events in VBA, follow the suggestion:

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