It’s not overwriting the value


Viewed 88 times


I’m wanting the final calculation information to overwrite what is already saved in the Stock table, as it would be to do this, because Save, is overwriting correctly, I tried to apply in the update, but not saved.


var ConsultaAntigo = ckm.Compra(viewModel.Id);
var Antigo = ConsultaAntigo.OrderBy(c => c.NomeProduto).FirstOrDefault();
var Consulta = ckm.ControleEstoque(viewModel.ProdutoId);
var estoque = Consulta.OrderBy(t => t.NomeProduto).FirstOrDefault();    
int AntigoFinal = estoque.Quantidade - Antigo.Quant;    
int quantidadefinal = AntigoFinal + viewModel.Quant;    
estoque.Quantidade = quantidadefinal;

DAO Compra:

public void Update(Compra compra)
    using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.AbreSession())
        ITransaction tx = session.BeginTransaction();
  • you are running the SaveChanges()?

  • On DAO, you are running Update

  • I asked the question how DAO works, @Leandroangelo

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