Result of an online MYSQL search, not column


Viewed 73 times


Good morning. I have a table that lists a number of motifs each time they happen. I am using a select to group these reasons and result in the 5 most recurring ones. This is my code:

SELECT count(*) as NumeroDeVezes, motivos FROM relatoriomotivos GROUP BY motivos ORDER BY NumeroDeVezes DESC LIMIT 5

The problem is that I needed the answer to be a row only for the reasons and a row only for the number of times, while I’m getting a column for the reasons and another for the number of times. Is there any way to adjust it?

  • You really need it to be in separate lines ? What’s the impact?

  • Unfortunately yes, I am using this information for programming a chart and it only accepts online input.

  • In SQL Server you can do this using PIVOT as subselect, but apparently mysql does not have it, you would need to build something that is reusable not to need to change the query every time a new reason is included.

2 answers


It is not a complete solution, but it is already a starting point.

If I can take a sample of the data in SQL Fiddle, and give more details on the question, I can edit the answer and elaborate better

If the number of columns is fixed, you can use the IF to calculate:

   SUM( IF( motivo='A'), 1, 0 ) AS motivo_a,
   SUM( IF( motivo='B'), 1, 0 ) AS motivo_b,
   SUM( IF( motivo='C'), 1, 0 ) AS motivo_c,
   SUM( IF( motivo='D'), 1, 0 ) AS motivo_d,
   SUM( IF( motivo='E'), 1, 0 ) AS motivo_e

If someone needs the solution for other Dbs that do not have function support IF, can do the same with CASE.

See this post for more details:

Flow control with Mysql

For the titles, unfortunately it would also have to be manual. The UNIONallows generating the two lines, one with title, the other with count:

SELECT 'Motivo A', 'Motivo B', 'Motivo C'
   SUM( IF( motivo='A'), 1, 0 ),
   SUM( IF( motivo='B'), 1, 0 ),
   SUM( IF( motivo='C'), 1, 0 )

Another thing that might interest you is GROUP_CONCAT, that brings several results in a single row, but there would no longer be separate columns. It would be a column with data separated by comma.


You can work the result of your query as a string, in order to enable its manipulation without having to presume its existence in a "hard-coded".

Use the aggregation function GROUP_CONCAT to "merge" into a row each column of your query, using the separator you prefer (here I am using ;):

    GROUP_CONCAT(motivo SEPARATOR ';') as motivos,
    GROUP_CONCAT(numero SEPARATOR ';') as numeros
from (
  select count(*) as numero, motivo from motivos 
  group by motivo order by numero desc limit 5
) tmp;

|                                      motivos |   numeros |
| motivo 1;motivo 2;motivo 3;motivo 4;motivo 5 | 3;3;3;3;1 |

Then, for each column to return in a row, concatenate them again, using a line break character \n between them. I use the function here CONCAT_WS by allowing to define the general separator at the beginning, allowing the inclusion of more lines in an elegant way, without having to keep repeating the \n:

   ) as resultado
from (
  select count(*) as numero, motivo from motivos 
  group by motivo order by numero desc limit 5
) tmp;

|                                              resultado |
| motivo 1;motivo 2;motivo 3;motivo 4;motivo 5
3;3;3;3;1 |

Note that the result is just a column of a record, with line breaking between the group of motifs and the group of numbers.

If you want two records, one for each group, I believe that a UNION solves the problem, with a little redundancy. It would be more elegant if Mysql supported Common Table Expressions, but This will only come in version 8, so follow example with UNION:

    GROUP_CONCAT(motivo SEPARATOR ';') as resultado
from (
  select count(*) as numero, motivo from motivos 
  group by motivo order by numero desc limit 5
) tmp
    GROUP_CONCAT(numero SEPARATOR ';') as resultado
from (
  select count(*) as numero, motivo from motivos 
  group by motivo order by numero desc limit 5
) tmp;

|                                    resultado |
| motivo 1;motivo 2;motivo 3;motivo 4;motivo 5 |
|                                    3;3;3;3;1 |

Follow SQL Fiddle containing the above examples:! 9/644b0b/26

That said, only for complementary purposes, the UNION with use of CTE would be like this:

with consulta as (
      GROUP_CONCAT(motivo SEPARATOR ';') as motivos,
      GROUP_CONCAT(numero SEPARATOR ';') as numeros
  from (
    select count(*) as numero, motivo from motivos 
    group by motivo order by numero desc limit 5
  ) tmp
select motivos from consulta 
select numeros from consulta;

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