How to get server path without starting Facescontext - JOB execution?


Viewed 21 times


I have a JOB in which I need to download files in order to use them.

My project is Java + JSF + CDI.

It happens that at the time of the execution of JOB I have no user logged in and the return of Facescontext is null, because I am not logged in.

I read in several places that I could inject Contextlistener (by using CDI), but I’m not succeeding.

How to get the web server address?

  • what 'path' are we talking about here? Do you say your application URL? I do not understand what would have to do to download files with knowing something that needs Facescontext.

  • I search through ftp a file that is on another server and need to store it in a server folder so I can open it. For mpvè it I use Fileoutputstream fos = new Fileoutputstream(urlLocal); and then: ftp.retrieveFile(filename, fos) I download and send the file to this path. That’s why I need the server path...

  • ta.. you need to tell which folder you want to save inside your application server. For that it wouldn’t be a URL in the sense http://www.dominio/caminho/do/arquivo.. but a Path relative to the location of your project ex ../pasta/relativa/ao/local/de/execucao/arquivo.txt

  • "Fileoutputsream" transforms the url into a relative path as if it were a server command line and does not work. I will try to delete the local recording and try to work with the file in memory. Thank you

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