Error to generate a Seasplot chart


Viewed 34 times


generating this code:

inflacao <- ts(read.csv2('inflacao.csv',header = T,sep = ';',dec = ','),
               start = c(1980,01),freq=12)[,-1]

then the Seasplot:

seasplot(inflacao, outplot = 4)

Makes this mistake:

  1. Relate the item

Error in if (diff(range(colSums(ynt))) <= .Machine$double.eps 0.5) { : Missing value Where TRUE/FALSE needed.

  • 1

    Where does the function come from seasplot? I only found it in the package WRTDStidal but this function does not accept class objects 'ts' nor class "c('double', 'numeric')". When using functions that are not base R functions, always start scripts with library(pkgname).

  • seasplot comes from the Tstools package. I’ll check it out.

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