How to remove#from Angularjs URL


Viewed 155 times


The URL of my application is like this 'http://localhost/ssga/#/login'. I’m trying to get '#' out of the URL, I’ve tried several ways but I’m not getting it. I have the following code.


function config($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider, IdleProvider, KeepaliveProvider) {

// Configure Idle settings
IdleProvider.idle(5); // in seconds
IdleProvider.timeout(120); // in seconds

// $locationProvider.hashPrefix('');

$ocLazyLoadProvider.config(['$locationProvider', function($locationProvider) {
    // Set to true if you want to see what and when is dynamically loaded
    debug: false


   <base href="/">

1 answer


This is not possible because the character "#" is part of the Angular routing mechanics.

To "remove" this character, you will have to take the routing to the server side, either using a framework (recommended) or something more "handmade" with the creation of folders on the server.

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