Force a page title rewrite


Viewed 96 times


Well, I have a page, but one of those pages wanted you to change the title. Example my page uses in Reader a code that defines the title of all pages, but I have a custom php page that also want to put a different title, ie Rewrite the title that is already defined in Reader, there is some way in PHP or any other to do this ?

include_once "./includes/header.php";   
include_once "./includes/footer.php"; 

It would be like that, but I can’t edit header.php Then you’ll have to force the title change for what’s in the <!-- AQUI VAI MEU CONTEÚDO -->

  • You can post the code snippet. Because this should be done basically using a conditional structure.

  • Okay, I put an example in code!

  • You can change this file : "./includes/header.php"; ?

  • No, because a ready script Jah!

1 answer


You can do this using Javascript or jQuery, but it would be better if you chose to edit directly on ./includes/header.php.


document.title = 'Novo título';


$('title').text('Novo título');

Another solution, which I believe can also be done in a better way. It would be you at ./includes/header.php where you define the title pass a variable instead of a static text like:

Using tags short:

<title><?= $page_title ?? "Título estático" ?></title>

Using the traditional tags:

<title><?php echo $page_title ?? "Título estático"; ?></title>

In this example, if I’m not mistaken, it checks whether the variable $page_title exists using the function isset, if it exists, its value is passed, otherwise, "Static title".

And that way you would add the variable before the ./includes/header.php in that way:

// Define o título aqui.
$page_title = 'Título da página';

include_once "./includes/header.php";   
include_once "./includes/footer.php"; 
  • How can I put this function in PHP $file->originalFilename inside the "New title" ?

  • @Matheusvitor If what you want is to add the text of $file->originalFilename for Javascript/Jquery can do so: <?= $file->originalFilename ?> (Replace "New title" with this excerpt), or if you want to do this with the PHP example just assign the value as you normally do: $page_title = $file->originalFilename;.

  • In my Header.php you have this code inside the title tag: <?php echo validation::safeOutputToScreen(PAGE_NAME); ?>

  • @Matheusvitor The constant PAGE_NAME is the one that defines the title? If it is you can use the PHP example: <?php echo validation::safeOutputToScreen($page_title ?? PAGE_NAME); ?> and then set before the header.php, probably you can also do this with the constant, but it would be less certain, because constants must be constant and immutable.

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