I developed a coupon-style report, where I have the header and items of my note.
RLReport - PageSetup:
Orientation : poPortrait
PaperHeight : 220
PaperSize : fpCustom
PaperWidht : 80
In my Rlreport I have:
RLBand1 - BandType : btHeader
Band2 - BandType : btHeader
Band3 - BandType : btDetail (meus itens)
RLBand4 - BandTye : btFooter
The problem is that I can have N items, if the amount of items pass the page size the other items go to second page, if they go to second page I will have header and footer printing twice.
If I put a size on Paperheight high, and I don’t have that many items, I’ll be wasting paper.
I tried using the Rldraftfilter component I set the option:
EjectMethod : EjLeavePage
In the preview at the time of choosing the printer I tried to put the filter but not one of the options worked, just the printer did not print.
I am using the Datamax Oniel RL4 printer.
Someone’s been through it?
I am using Trlreport. I have not found the Printoptions option.
– Tiago Casanova
Sorry! These instructions are for Fastreport. I swear I read frx instead of RL rs... In this case, it seems that your code is all right! Are you sure it’s not a problem with the printer or drivers?
– Cleber Griff