Be able to find a memory game in Javascript and made some changes as you can see on my repository
What I would like to do is that when starting the Game it showed all the images and after 3 seconds hid the images as it was configured before, but I do not know how to do this, someone could be willing to see how to modify the code.
This piece of hidden code does the effect of flipping the images;
function flip(n) {
isPlaying && ($(n).css("pointer-events", "none"), $(n).toggleClass("flipped"), playSound("flip"), current ? ($(".card").css("pointer-events", "none"), current.attr("data") != $(n).attr("data") ? setTimeout(function() {
current.toggleClass("flipped"), $(n).toggleClass("flipped"), current = null, playSound("incorrect"), isPlaying && $(".card").css("pointer-events", "auto")
}, 600) : (point++, $(n).find("img").css({
"-webkit-box-shadow": "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(240,240,140,0.75)",
"-moz-box-shadow": "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(240,240,140,0.75)",
"box-shadow": "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(240,240,140,0.75)"
}), current.find("img").css({
"-webkit-box-shadow": "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(240,240,140,0.75)",
"-moz-box-shadow": "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(240,240,140,0.75)",
"box-shadow": "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(240,240,140,0.75)"
}), setTimeout(function() {
$(n).css("opacity", "0").attr("onclick", "").children().children("img").css("cursor", "default"), current.css("opacity", "0").attr("onclick", "").children().children("img").css("cursor", "default"), current = null, playSound("correct"), point == numberCards ? (document.getElementById("bg-music").load(), playSound("win"), stopGame(), openModal("win")) : $(".card").css("pointer-events", "auto")
}, 600))) : current = $(n))
This piece of code hides the images
function loadContent() {
$(".progressbar").css("display", "none"), cards = shuffle(cards);
for (var n = "", e = 0; e < cards.length; e++) n += '<div class="grid"><div class="card" data="' + cards[e] + '" onclick="flip(this)"><div class="front"><img src="img/back.jpg"/></div><div class="back"><img src="img/' + cards[e] + '.jpg"/></div></div></div>';
$(".content").html(n), openModal("begin")
Didn’t work, which jquery library should I add to my project?
– wladyband
may be going wrong also because of where I’m putting the code, I can put anywhere in the code?
– wladyband