Group items within a foreach


Viewed 239 times


I have an object that brings me a basket with several items. I need inside a foreach to group the items by nature of operation. How I do this?

It’ll be something like this:

Prod: 2345
Nat. Oper: 5402

Prod: 2343
Nat. Oper: 5402

Prod: 46123
Nat. Oper: 5404

How do I group? In the above example there would be two groups.

  • If you have a code?

  • @Virgilionovic, I don’t have it. This is something new to implement and I still don’t know how to do.

  • You want a generic answer then?

  • @Virgilionovic, that’s right

  • One could say in your question where the data comes from and why of the foreach

  • The foreach is for an Insert per product. The data comes from a proc through a service. Dude I’m lost here.

  • And what do you mean by group?

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2 answers


With a simple structure you and using LINQ (System.Linq) you can solve this problem as follows:

Create a structure to store your groups

public class NaturezaOperacao
    public int NatOper { get; set; }
    public List<Produto> Produtos { get; set; }

    public NaturezaOperacao()
        //Inicialiando a lista para evitar problemas de null reference;
        Produtos = new List<Produto>();

And we will call your input object as Product and represent it as follows.

public class Produto
    public int Prod { get; set; }
    public int NatOper { get; set; }

Now comes the Linq and a foreach() for you to group the products by NatOper

//Sua lista de entrada
var produtosInput = new List<Produto>
    new Produto { Prod = 2345, NatOper = 5402 },
    new Produto { Prod = 2343, NatOper = 5402 },
    new Produto { Prod = 46123, NatOper = 5404 }

var gruposNaturezaOperacao = new List<NaturezaOperacao>();

//Selecionando as NatOper distintas que que existem na entrada
foreach (var natureza in produtosInput.Select(n => n.NatOper).Distinct())
    gruposNaturezaOperacao.Add(new NaturezaOperacao
        NatOper = natureza,
        Produtos = produtosInput.Where(p => p.NatOper == natureza).ToList()

The final result for gruposNaturezaOperacao, represented in JSON for easy viewing, will be:



Using dictionaries you can perform this grouping smoothly.


Dictionary<Int32, List<Produto>> dicionárioDeNaturezas = new  Dictionary<Int32,List<Produto>>(); 

foreach(var umProduto in produtos)
        if(dicionárioDeNaturezas[umProduto.NaturezaId].SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals( == null)
        dicionárioDeNaturezas.Add(umProduto.NaturezaId, new List<Produto>());

So you have all products grouped by nature of operation. In the example I used the nature ID, but you can use the Nature Object operation as well.

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