Algorithm complexity - Big O notation


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The function f(n) = n3 + 2 asymptotically dominates the function g(n) = 200n2 + 5, for a value of n large enough. That is to say, g(n) is O(f(n))

How can I prove that statement is true?

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1 answer


Prove that g(n) is O(f(n)) is the same as saying that there are constants c and n0 (both positive) such that

0 ≤ g(n) ≤ cf(n), para todo n ≥ n0

I mean, we have to prove that

0 ≤ 200n2 + 5 ≤ c(n3 + 2), para todo n ≥ n0
0 ≤ 200n2 + 5 ≤ cn3 + 2c, para todo n ≥ n0

Note that 0 ≤ 200n2 + 5 is redundant as 200n2 + 5 is always positive. Therefore, it is sufficient to analyze only

200n2 + 5 ≤ cn3 + 2c, para todo n ≥ n0

The point now is to find the stories c and n0 which satisfy the above condition. Keep in mind that any pair of values c and n0 satisfying the condition is valid.

If we choose c = 100 and n0 = 1, the condition will be valid:

200n2 + 5 ≤ 100n3 + 200, para todo n ≥ 1

Another choice would be c = 69 and n0 = 1

200n2 + 5 ≤ 69n3 + 138, para todo n ≥ 1

Therefore, as there are a couple of counters c and n0 satisfying 0 ≤ g(n) ≤ cf(n), for all n ≥ n0, then g(n) is O(f(n)).


CORMEN, T. H. et al. Algorithms: theory and practice. 3 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2012.

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