Passing JS variable to Managedbean


Viewed 603 times


I have a variable in js, and I need to send it to my Managedbean, which is the most correct way to do this?

1 answer


You can manipulate the DOM to do what you need, follow an example:

<h:form id="formId">
    <h:inputHidden id="x" value="#{bean.x}" />
    <h:inputHidden id="y" value="#{bean.y}" />
    <h:commandButton value="submit" onclick="getVars()" action="#{bean.method}" />

Your Javascript function:

   function getVars() {
       // ...
       var x = 10; 
       var y = 20;

       document.getElementById("formId:x").value = x;
       document.getElementById("formId:y").value = y;

In your bean:

private int x; 
private int y; 
public void method() {
    System.out.println("x: " + x); 
    System.out.println("y: " + y); 
// ... 
  • I tried this way. <h:inputHidden id="idBancoPai" value="#{footsMBean.idBancoPai}" /> But when I try to get it in the bean, the value comes to 0. Don’t take the actual value selected. You know what it can be?

  • Without seeing your codes, I wouldn’t be able to answer you. But try to see if the bean method is being invoked before going through javascript. I already did that (manipulate DOM via JS and send to Bean) and had no problems.

  • When Voce says, if the bean method is being invoked before going through javascript? would that be more or less what? Because at first what I need is, I click on the corresponding line, select the id I need, then step into the input, and take the bean

  • Place a breakpoint on your JS and Bean, see if clicking the button (or anything else) that triggers the action follows the order (1st javascript, 2nd bean).

  • 1

    I got Marcos, the problem was pretty silly, I had put the <h:inputHidden id="idBancoPai" value="#{bancoPergusMBean.idBancoPai}" /> in another form that is on the same page, with this every time I submitted the form to get it in the bean the value zeroed. Thanks for the help

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