help with listview Django


Viewed 175 times


I need help picking up the values of an object in a list view

class Compraslist(LoginRequiredMixin, ListView):
model = Solicitacao
template_name = 'compraslist.html'

def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
    context = super(Compraslist, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
    context['solicitacoes'] = Solicitacao.objects.all()
    return context

this is my list class, it lists the requests that have been made what I need is that it only lists the requests that have the Free status = 1

class Orcamento(models.Model):
anexo_descricao = models.CharField("Descrição do Arquivo" ,max_length=100)
anexo_orcamento = models.FileField("Anexar Arquivo", upload_to='media/uploads/anexos/')
anexo_relacionamento = models.ForeignKey(Solicitacao, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    (1, 'Sim'),
    (2, 'Não')
liberacao_compras = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField("Aprovar Solicitação?",
    default = 1,

def __str__(self):
    return self.anexo_descricao

class Meta:
    verbose_name = 'Orcamento'
    verbose_name_plural = 'Orcamentos'

I tried to take it by the get_context_data as follows

class Compraslist(LoginRequiredMixin, ListView):
model = Solicitacao
template_name = 'compraslist.html'

def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
    context = super(Compraslist, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
    context['solicitacoes'] = Solicitacao.objects.all()
    context['anexo'] = Orcamento.objects.filter(anexoRelacionamento=self.kwargs['pk'])
    return context

but an error has been returned to me

   context['anexo'] = Orcamento.objects.filter(anexoRelacionamento=self.kwargs['pk'])

Keyerror: 'pk'

  • 1

    Your filter should be in the request model. Solicitation.objects.filter(clears_purchases=1) The pk error is something else. You cannot find the key in the arguments coming from the context: tries: Organizing.objects.filter(annex_relationship=kwargs['id']) the attributes must be lowercase.

  • that self.kwargs['pk'] refers to the model Solicitacao or Orcamento? what is the url of this view?

  • This pk Keyerror is because you are calling a parameter that has not been passed in your url. E reads in the Listview documentation, it is correct that you change the query in get_queryset and not in get_context_data.

  • The names aren’t right either. You have a view called Compraslist that uses a model called Request and the pk parameter you passed calls a Budget model. Think about whether it’s worth changing the name from Compraslist to Solicitacaodecompralist or Solicitacoeslist or something you prefer. And if you need to do a filter in Orcing with pk, change the url parameter to orcamento_pk because normally in urls when we use 'pk', this parameter is used in some filter of the main view model, which in this case is Request.

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