You can use different versions of PHP on lampp


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I am using linux Manjaro with lampp local server, however the version of my php is 7.2 but I want to use 5.6 to do some tests, my question is if it is possible to do this procedure using lampp ?

  • Hello, friend for this you have to uninstall the version you have if it will not give conflict and the system will not accept why you have a newer version installed. that is, or one or the other, what I would indicate is to create a vm and install the Lamp with the version of php you want, then you can turn on and off the time you want.

  • You tried to install in another folder ? Example: the default is /opt/lampp, place /opt/lampp2, so each folder has its files, and you move up the services you want (of course if you’re going to use the 2, you’ll have to use different ports).

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