Autocomplete for forms


Viewed 290 times


Do you know of any web tools in Chrome or Firefox that auto-complete forms with random text for testing? I have a form of 35 fields and each time I submit for tests, I have to complete it again.

  • 1

    Assemble the completed form to test, and strip before publishing... <input type="text" name="nome" value="Fulano de Tal"> or makes a function that creates a random string, or takes a value from an array...

  • Well remembered, I can leave the values set so you don’t have to fill all the time @Jader. You could elaborate a response with possible solutions, so I would give the best answer. Thank you.

2 answers



Using jQuery to do a small function to fill all inputs when the page is ready:

$(document).ready( function() { 
   $("input").each(function(){ // percorre todos elementos "input" do documento
        $(this).val("textoQualquerSoParaTestes"); // atribui o valor genérico para os campos

Unless you have to use values specific, this should serve.

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