Browse an array where the index is a Date


Viewed 67 times


How do I go through one Array where the index is a date that varies with each query in the Database.

Just a detail, the dates are dynamic at each consultation.

The Array arrives that way:

    [2018-04-07] => Array
            [ConteudoId] => 28498

    [2018-04-08] => Array
            [ConteudoId] => 28498

    [2018-05-05] => Array
            [ConteudoId] => 28762

    [2018-05-06] => Array
            [ConteudoId] => 28762

    [2018-06-16] => Array
            [ConteudoId] => 28765

    [2018-06-17] => Array
            [ConteudoId] => 28765

    [2018-07-06] => Array
            [ConteudoId] => 28764

    [2018-07-07] => Array
            [ConteudoId] => 28764

  • foreach ($array as $data => $valor) { ... }?

  • @Andersoncarloswoss Dates are dynamic

  • But it makes no difference.

  • @Andersoncarloswoss and how I catch [Conteudoid]?

2 answers


You can use the foreach


 $array = array("2018-04-07" => array("conteudoid" => "a"),  
              "2018-04-08" => array("conteudoid" => "b"),
              "2018-04-09" => array("conteudoid" => "c"));

   foreach( $array as $key => $value ){
     echo "$key => $value[conteudoid] \n";


2018-04-07 => a 
2018-04-08 => b 
2018-04-09 => c 

Documentation - Foreach


Riding with a foreach


foreach ($arrayBanco as $chave => $valor) {
    echo $valor['conteudoID'];

Note that in your code each position of the main array returns another array, which is where you find the content you need, so just do as the example above to access the value $value['content'];

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