How to filter another page result with Jquery Load() or Get()?


Viewed 71 times


In an HTML have for example:

        <h3 class="title title-line">Dados da conta</h3>

    <div class="ch-form-row">

        <a class="smalla" href="">Modificar</a>

    <div class="ch-form-row">
        <span>[email protected]</span>
        <a class="smalla" href="">Modificar</a>

    <div class="ch-form-row">
        <a class="smalla" href="">Modificar</a>

I need Another page to capture the Username and save to a variable, as close as I can reach with jQuery Load() was:

$( "#id-de-teste" ).load(" .ch-form-row span:first", function(data, status){
username = $('#retorno_webtracker').html();

However I had 2 problems: The variable with the Username also got the tags <span>, and I don’t want/need this value to be displayed on the page, I just need it in the variable to proceed with the script routine.

With jQuery Get() can "download" the page with the data I need, however I am not able to filter only the class . ch-form-Row after the first tag

$.get("", function(data, status){
        //alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status);
//username = $('span',$('.ch-form-row')).html();
filtro = data.getElementsByClassName('ch-form-row');
console.log( filtro );

1 answer


I managed to solve

$.get("", function(data, status){
        var username = $('.ch-form-row span', $(data)).html();
//todo o codigo que precisa da variavel

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