Search GLPI Via API


Viewed 1,077 times


I want to do a search via API in which return me certain data according to the parameters you set, ie:

To search all items I do a Get where you send the following:


This search returns me all tickets that exist.

What I want is to do this search in which define, for example, urgency=5.


And that GET just return me tickets with urgency equal to 5.

Example documentation: (Since the parameters and category vary from item to item)

  • And what API is this? Have you read the documentation of it to check if there is such a parameter?

  • In the documentation there is an example but not in C#, I do not know how to do identico in C#...

1 answer


Long live,

First, search the link ".../apirest.php/listSearchOptions/Ticket" the id of the field you want to search for

Check this result for the available filter type, for example:

"12": {
    "name": "Status",
    "table": "glpi_tickets",
    "field": "status",
    "datatype": "specific",
    "nosearch": false,
    "nodisplay": false,
    "available_searchtypes": [
    "uid": "Ticket.status"

now, add to your search


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