Result of a Submit within the DIV itself


Viewed 39 times


I have a div(id=content) where I load other pages via jquery load. however I would like to know if it is possible to submit a form and have the return in the own div.

   $('#conteudo').on('click', '.menu', function () { 
   return false; });

Currently when it is a common link I can read the page with the above code , I am trying to use the following form.

   $('#conteudo').on('submit', '#form', function () { 
   return false; });

It is possible that ?

  • I don’t know much about Jquery but from what I understand you call load passing the path by parameter, in the case of the attribute href link, to do the same in the form would not only exchange the this.href for this.action?

  • You want to submit a form?

  • I’ve tried it doesn’t work, always opens on another page

  • @dvd yes I want to submit the form and return the same in the own div that was called

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